You Are The Fairy God-Author

I’m going to share a little secret with you guys. I know, I know; this might come as a shock to some of you. Prepare your pearls for clutching. Ready your forehead for smashing your keyboard. Just hear me out.

Fiction is a lawless realm, and you are the Fairy God-Author.

procure wand

Ahem. Allow me to elaborate.

This might come as a shock to you because I know so many writers who insist that there are rules. That there is a logic that has to be followed when writing. That you can’t just make mumbo-jumbo up and expect it to fly. Writing, they say, doesn’t work like thatThere needs to be a method to the madness.

Well, I’m here to tell you that you are a freakin’ Fairy God-Author, that you have a wand, and that you can wave it whichever way you please.

  1. As a writer, you have the right to wave that wand.

    change color

So many people approach creative writing like it’s some wild beast that they have to contain. On the one hand, I can understand that. The creative process finds its genesis in discombobulated emotions, flashes of imagery, and unstructured ideas. We want to control these impulses, to put them into an entity that can be deciphered and, after much editing, enjoyed.

The result, however, is not necessarily bad writing — but rigid writing. You’ll eventually get to a point where a character is in a pickle or a conflict remains unresolved, and you’ll find yourself grasping for a logical resolution.

Here’s where it’s ok for you to take a step back, elaborately unsheathe your wand, and teleport into that scenario guns blazing. Don’t cage the creative beast; observe it in its natural habitat.

2. Don’t be afraid to shake things up.stop the car

This is going to be the hardest bit to swallow. I know it was for me.

It’s ok if nothing makes sense at first.

I think that the biggest moment of clarity for me was when I sat down to write the climactic scene of my novel, and realized that I could literally do anything I wanted. This might seem conspicuous, but please understand: I had been deliberating over this particular scene for months. I had been building it up in my head for so long that when it came down to writing it, I was stuck. I couldn’t think of one plausible way for my main character to get out of this situation alive, and I certainly couldn’t just kill him off.

That’s when I gave myself a friendly slap on the wrist and said, “Darn it, I’m in charge!” and wrote something so ridiculous and out-of-the-blue that it kind of actually worked. After that, I progressed through the falling action feeling unstoppable.

Many great writers of the past were so great because they threw caution to the wind and wrote unapologetically. A prime example is Lewis Carroll: Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is a winding and nonsensical rollercoaster ride, but it lives on as one of the most enchanting and prolific children’s stories to date.

Sometimes the most creative writing is the weirdest. And the weirdest writing is almost always the most memorable.

3. Consider the consequences.spell will be broken

Let’s not kid ourselves here. If Special Agent Dangerface decides that the best way to eradicate an evil-doer is to burn down the entire city, then he’s going to have to face some undesirable consequences. Same goes if Jenny Goody-Two-Shoes wins the school talent show by riding in on a pterodactyl. I’m sure scientists will have a few pressing questions for her.

With great, Fairy God-Author power comes great responsibility. Some choices might come to back to bite you. There might be plot holes, jarring changes in tone, developments that don’t contextually make sense.

If you go trigger-happy, the spell will eventually break. This is inevitable.

…but it’s not the end-all, be-all of your story.

4. Work the crazy while you can.schmexy

Because that’s why we have second drafts: to tone down the preposterous, smooth over the mood-breaking, and fill in the plot holes.

What I’m trying to say is— have no reservations. Be unapologetic. Work that wand.

If you’re in a jam and want to make up some ridiculous scenario to get out of it, go for it. If you’re running dry on inspiration and are willing to do anything to move on to the next part of your story, go for it. If you want to write absurdly, go for it. If you want to write orderly, go for it.

You just might surprise yourself with what you come up with.

Some people might say that this is lazy writing. I don’t believe in lazy writing. If anything, lazy writing is when you don’t write at all.

Good luck, and happy writing! 🙂

© 2016 Stellular Scribe

10 Random and Wonderful Sites For Writers

For writers, the web can be a distracting and overloading frontier, but that doesn’t mean that it’s all cat videos and social networking. Us scribes must sift through these diversions to even catch a glimpse of the incredible resources there are out there. Hey, writing in the modern world isn’t a feat for the faint of heart.

writing is hard

Many of you have probably already tapped into the internet’s writing goldmine, but today I’m going to supply you with ten sites that I have found tremendously helpful. Some of them you may have heard of and even frequented, others not.

So, in no particular order, here are ten random and wonderful sites for writers.

1. WriteWorld

  • Even if you don’t have a Tumblr, WriteWorld is still a fantastic site filled with all sorts of writing goodies. From words of the day and writing tips to image, sentence, and writing blocks, WriteWorld provides helpful references and lists to help stimulate the muse within all of us and dropkick the dreaded writer’s block into yesterday.

2. The Bookshelf Muse / Writers Helping Writers

  •  Undoubtedly, one of my most refreshed web pages during the period of writing my last book was The Emotion Thesaurus and the Physical Attribute and Character Trait Thesaurus on The Bookshelf Muse. Since then, they’ve moved to another amazing site, Writers Helping Writers. Seriously, go check them out. There’s a lot of good stuff there.

3. Writers Write

  • Writers Write is another great resource, and they cover everything from character development to articles on tone and plot. One of my favorite posts of theirs is Cheat Sheets for Writing Body Language.

4. The Most Epic Character Chart Ever

  • Exactly what it sounds like. This expansive character chart is a great tool for fleshing out characters. The Writers Helpers is a beautiful writing blog that gives solid advice and references.

5. Fantasy Name Generators

  • This gem of a site supplies diverse, weird, and wonderful name combinations, for everything from characters to countries, taverns to mountains. It’s not just for fantasy, though, and even has a description generator that can supply lovely writing prompts.

6. Chaotic Shiny

  • It honestly feels like this site has everything. Here’s the description from their homepage:

Chaotic Shiny is a generator site aimed at people who write, game, or live in fantasy worlds of their own creation. Grappling with writer’s block? Need a character on the fly? Party just walked into a tavern and you want it to be a little more exciting than normal? Want to flesh out a setting with some detailed religions? Chaotic Shiny is the site for you.

7. 8tracks

  • I am obsessed with 8tracks. Just when I think I’ve gathered all my favorite mixes for my writing playlist, I’ll find another one that I like even more. If you’re one of those writers who absolutely must have background music playing at all times, 8tracks is what I’ve found to be one of the best places to make a mix to fit the mood. Just type “writing” into the explore section, and you’ll get thousands of playlists made by other writers. If you need somewhere to start, check out my account. As their website says,

8tracks is the best place for people who care about music to make & discover refreshingly human playlists.

8. Rainy Mood

  • I’m a sworn pluviophile, and pairing Rainy Mood’s gentle rain (or raging thunderstorm) setting with music from 8tracks makes for the perfect writing atmosphere. Just my opinion.

9. Inklewriter

  • Inklewriter is a wonderfully enjoyable site that allows you to write interactive “Choose Your Own Adventure” style stories. It makes for a great writing exercise and can be helpful to those of us who struggle with finding the perfect ending. I absolutely adore books where the reader makes the decisions, so Inklewriter is like a playground for me.

10. Doll Divine

  • Ok, I know what you’re thinking. Doll Divine, that’s a site full of girly fashion games. What does that have to do with writing? I’m a visual person. When I create a character, I like to illustrate them in as much detail as possible, both in words and artistically. But sometimes, I want a fast way to actually see my character. Sure, Doll Divine has kitschy wedding dress up games and the like, but they also have a lot of really great generators that can be used to design your original character. Got a fantasy character? Try their Game of Thrones and LoTR doll makers. Steampunk? They’ve got games for that. Warriors? Royalty? Dragons? Make it all and more with Doll Divine.

So, there you go- ten of my favorite sites for writing. Some of them might not be that obvious, but writing is a strange craft. We can find inspiration almost anywhere, if we look hard enough. Happy writing!

good luck